
Please find below a recording of Mass from the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in the Church of St Philip Neri. Also available is our Sunday Liturgy for praying at home, our newsletter, and booking details for our socially distanced Masses.

Recording of Mass

Book for Mass


In order to maintain safe social distancing in our church and to provide an accurate record for the purposes of track and trace the diocese requests that attendance at Mass be pre-booked. Booking is managed via a diocesan run website, www.massbooking.uk. Once registered you will be able to easily book a pew for yourself or your household at Mass up to a week in advance. It is possible to book places on behalf of others, so let’s make every effort to help our less technologically savvy family and friends manage their bookings for Mass.

For times of Masses, and to book, please visit www.massbooking.uk.

Please note that booking for Mass now takes place by pew, rather than individual. You are not booking your place but booking a pew in your name for your whole household. On the diocesan booking system you will be presented with two options, either to book a ‘family pew’ or an ‘individual place.’ Please note that each books a pew, large or small depending on the choice, so book according to the space you need rather than the number of individuals coming.

Here’s a guide to what to book depending on how many of you are coming:

  • 1 individual – please book an individual place.
  • 3 or more people from the same household – please book a family pew.
  • 2 people from the same household – please book either a family pew or one individual place. On the diocesan booking website, it will tell you that ‘couples can book either a pew or two seats.’ Please don’t follow this guidance! Either book a pew or one seat.

Please don’t hesitate to be in touch if you have any questions. The important thing to note is that each booking represents a pew. Unless you are booking for multiple households there should be no need to enter any number other than ‘1’ when booking. It will no doubt take us all a week or two to adjust to yet another new way of doing things, so let’s be patient with each other and all be willing to both ask for help and give it.